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Chichén Itzá & Cenote Ik Kil

Chichén Itzá & Cenote Ik Kil

A short drive from the beaches of Cancun and Tulum you will find Chichén Itzá, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. This magnificent structure is part of the Mayan ruins and is truly an amazing wonder dating back to 600 A.D. But, that’s not the only beautiful sight to see in the area.  Only five miles away is Cenote Ik Kil, one of the most popular cenotes in the Yukatan Peninsula. Both of these are adventures not to be missed!

35 Christmas Traditions for Families

35 Christmas Traditions for Families

There are so many exciting ways to celebrate Christmas!! For us, traditions are a wonderful way to create memories that bond our family together. It’s the traditions that your family most likely will remember years after everyone is grown. Check out this list for ideas to add to your own family traditions.

About Our Family

About Our Family

Traveling is a bit of a passion for us! Join us as we travel the world, tying strings to our children’s hearts through adventure, service, and time together.

Planning the Perfect Family Vacation

Planning the Perfect Family Vacation

For some, the thought of planning a family vacation is torture … all those small details that have to fit together. Flights, hotels, activities, safety, weather, and not to mention doing it all on a budget. Many people pay money to have a travel agent take care of these details, while others avoid the planning process and just fly by the seat of their pants as much as possible. But, what if the planning process was looked at a little differently?

Trip Planning Printables

Trip Planning Printables

Use these travel planning printouts in every stage of the vacation process.
Simply click and download!

5 Tips for Traveling with Kids

5 Tips for Traveling with Kids

Traveling with children can be both rewarding and exhausting! We traveled for many years without our kiddos while they were babies. Now that they’re older, we bring them with us on almost every trip. Ages: 12, 10, 8, and 5.

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